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- Stoicism: Month 1 – Stoicism for Tranquility and Appreciation of the Present
- Stoicism: Day 1 – My First Ice Bath
- Stoicism: Day 2 – Contemplating the Impermanence of Everything
- Stoicism: Day 3 – Travel and Escapism
- Stoicism: Day 4 – On Becoming a Failure
- Stoicism: Day 5 – Social Drinking
- Stoicism: Day 6 – I want to work for Goldman Sachs
- Stoicism: Day 7 – People Who Play Their Music Too Loudly
- Stoicism: Day 8 – Should I take colder or longer ice baths?
- Stoicism: Day 9 – What the Stoics think about your liberal arts degree
- Stoicism: Day 10 – I relapsed
- Stoicism: Day 11 – The Stoic Career Guide
- Stoicism: Day 12 – The Stoics Would Not Instagram their Meals
- Stoicism: Day 13 – Stoicism is Lonely
- Stoicism: Day 14 and Week 2 Recap – Modern Tragedies
- Stoicism: Day 15 – Is Stoicism Fun?
- Stoicism: Day 16 – Were the Stoics Masters of Willpower?
- Stoicism: Day 17 – On not being a pretentious ass to your friends
- Stoicism: Day 18 – Stoic Fatalism and Goal Setting
- Stoicism: Day 19 – Hosting a Houseguest is the Ultimate Stoic Exercise
- Stoicism: Day 20 – Writing as Forced Reflection
- Stoicism: Day 21 and Week 3 Recap – Stoic Relationship Advice
- Stoicism: Day 22 – Don’t be a meathead
- Stoicism: Day 23 – Stoicism and Godliness
- Stoicism: Day 24 – Being Cynical About Your Job is Your Own Fault
- Stoicism: Day 25 – Stoicism, the Absurd, and the Myth of Sisyphus
- Stoicism: Day 26 – Overcoming Resistance when Pursuing Creative Projects
- Stoicism: Day 27 – Watch Movies to Jumpstart Negative Visualization
- Stoicism: Day 28 and Week 4 Recap – Don’t be a Victim
- Stoicism: Day 29 – The Value of Repetition
- Stoicism: Day 30 – Stoicism Month 1 Wrap-Up
- Catholicism: Intro to Month 2 – Catholicism for Love and Clarity
- Catholicism: Day 1 – My First Mass and Spiritual Exercise
- Catholicism: Day 2 – Faith, Stoicism, and Confirmation Bias
- Catholicism: Day 3 – The Shepherd and the Sheeple
- Catholicism: Day 4 – Someone Farted at Mass
- Catholicism: Day 5 – Coincidence or Signs from God?
- Catholicism: Day 6 – You’re a mixed bag (and that’s ok)
- Catholicism: Day 7 and Week 1 – Catholicism Week 1 Recap
- Catholicism: Day 8 – Should you thank God for the weather?
- Catholicism: Day 9 – Jesuit Decision Making
- Catholicism: Day 10 – Everything is Amazing
- Catholicism: Day 11 – God wants you be to be (a little) unhappy
- Catholicism: Day 12 – Which is more comforting: God or protein shakes?
- Catholicism: Day 13 – The Christian Perspective on Wealth and Poverty
- Catholicism: Day 14 and Week 2 Recap – God as an Olympic Coach
- Catholicism: Day 15 – God as Santa Claus?
- Catholicism: Day 16 – Jesuit Career Advice
- Catholicism: Day 17 – Accepting Love
- Catholicism: Day 18 – Lent, the Ultimate Self-Help Program?
- Catholicism: Day 19 – Sighs too Deep for Words
- Catholicism: Day 20 – Calling on God to do great work
- Catholicism: Day 21 and Week 3 Recap – The Path of Exploration
- Catholicism: Day 22 – Lean In and the Hierarchy of Values
- Catholicism: Day 23 – Disordered Love and Spiritual Freedom
- Catholicism: Day 24 – Letting go of worldly ambitions
- Catholicism: Day 25 – Love, Pain, and Indifference
- Catholicism: Day 26 – The Correct Pursuits (1 of 2)
- Catholicism: Day 27 – The Correct Pursuits (2 of 2)
- Catholicism: Day 28 and Week 4 Recap
- Catholicism: Day 29 – Stoic vs. Christian Detachment
- Catholicism: Day 30 and Month 2 Wrap-Up
- Intro to Month 3 – Judaism for Community
- Judaism: Day 1 – My First Minyan and the Value of Language
- Judaism: Day 2 – Daf Yomi , or Ancient Jewish Blog Comments
- Judaism: Day 3 – The Unexpected Benefit of Standing Out
- Judaism: Day 4 – Should you factor culture into your decision-making?
- Judaism: Day 5 and 6 – Resting is Hard Work
- Judaism: Day 7 and Week 1 Recap – Judaism: Day 7 and Week 1 Recap
- Judaism: Day 8 – Good things come to those who participate
- Judaism: Day 9 – Anger Management
- Judaism: Day 10 – The Four Types of Students
- Judaism: Day 11 – My Shabbat Dinner Speech
- Judaism: Day 12 and 13 – Shabbat vs. HR Work-Life Balance Policies (plus brisket photos)
- Judaism: Day 14 and Week 2 Recap
- Judaism: Day 15 – Community Obligations
- Judaism: Day 16 – Jewish YOLO
- Judaism: Day 17 – Coffee with the Minyan
- Judaism: Day 18 – The Individual vs. the Community
- Judaism: Day 19 and 20 – Orthodox Shabbat (or why you need to work at religion)
- Judaism: Day 21 and Week 3 Recap
- Judaism: Day 22 – Passover Seder, Part 1
- Judaism: Day 23 – Passover, Part 2
- Judaism: Day 24 – You should embrace rules
- Judaism: Day 25 – My Double-date
- Judaism: Days 26-28 and Week 4 Recap
- Judaism: Day 29 – Being spiritual is about doing
- Judaism: Day 30 – Love and friendship
- Judaism: Day 31 and Month 3 Wrap-up
- Intro to Month 4 – Islam for Humility
- Islam: Day 1 – The inconvenience of prayer
- Islam: Day 2 – I’ll turn in my homework…God Willing
- Islam: Day 3 – The Three-Fold Journey
- Islam: Day 4 – You should believe in heaven and hell
- Islam: Day 5 – The Case Against DIY Religion
- Islam: Day 6 – Islamic Stoics?
- Islam: Day 7 and Week 1 Recap
- Islam: Day 8 – Conference Room Prayer
- Islam: Day 9 – Beyond the Confidence Gap
- Islam: Day 10 – Detachment, Islam Style
- Islam: Day 11 – Friday Prayer (Round 2)
- Islam: Day 12 – Does humility signal strength?
- Islam: Day 13 – Morning prayer boosts creativity?
- Islam: Day 14 and Week 2 Recap
- Islam: Day 15 – Should we all wage Jihad?
- Islam: Day 16 – Is Sufi Mysticism the Solution to Worldly Excess?
- Islam: Day 17 – Is your life coherent?
- Welcome Study Hacks Readers!
- Islam: Day 18 and 19 – Campground Mysticism
- Islam: Day 20 – Were you really born for this?
- Islam: Day 21 and Week 3 Recap – The real reason why we’re unhappy
- Islam: Day 22 – On criticism and gossip
- Islam: Day 23 – Slut Shaming: Moral Criticism Gone Awry
- Islam: Day 24 – Dog Walk Mysticism
- Islam: Day 25 – It’s risky to not be religious
- Islam: Day 26 – Should we practice arranged marriages?
- Islam: Day 27 – My workplace ethical dilemma
- Islam: Day 28 and Week 4 Recap – Cynical Asshole Syndrome
- Islam: Day 29 – The Company Staff Meeting Revisited
- Islam: Day 30 and Month 4 Wrap-Up – What I Learned from Praying 5 Times a Day
- Introduction to Month 5: Curing Monkey Mind with Buddhism
- Is distraction the natural state of mind? (Do we all have ADD?)
- Your Cravings are Making You Miserable
- Is Running the Ultimate Meditation Exercise?
- Lessons Learned from Meditating for One Week
- The Palace of Ignorance
- To avoid groupthink, become religious
- Do religions have personalities?
- Week 2 Recap: Meditation is Still Really Hard
- Are we too obsessed with progress?
- What going home can teach you about mindfulness
- Does travel increase mindfulness?
- Week 3 Recap: Is mindfulness more painful than electro shocks?
- Should you believe in re-incarnation?
- What you should want in life
- What does it mean to have faith?
- Why you should think about death
- Buddhism: Day 30 and Month 5 Wrap-Up
- On a short hiatus and looking for ideas
- Six Ancient Ideas To Be Thankful For
- Could you be happy as a slave?
- Intro to Month 6: Hinduism – Understanding the Self through…Yoga?
- I worshipped an elephant today
- Should we view time cyclically?
- To get more satisfaction out of your job, work late? Lessons from the Bhagavad Gita
- Day 7 and Week 1 Recap – You can’t go home (to Portland) again
- Hot Yoga – The Key to Understanding the Self?
- Is employee detachment an alternative to employee engagement?
- Don’t be a sheep
- Incense: An ancient anti-depressant?
- Detachment is really, really hard (or I got in trouble with HR)
- Is Meritocracy the New Caste System?
- Hinduism: Week 3 Recap
- Take this Hindu Personality Test in 3 Difficult Steps
- Cure Impostor Syndrome with Hindu Philosophy
- Practice Shopcraft to Understand the Self
- Hinduism Wrap-Up – Three Things Hinduism Can Teach You About Your Self
- Intro to Month 7 – Learning the Art of Pleasure via Epicureanism
- How to make friends
- Is flexibility the key to long-term pleasure (and losing 5 pounds)?
- Become happier through subtraction
- Is sex pleasurable?
- Drunken vs. Mindful Hedonism
- Is religion pleasurable?
- Pleasure and Faith
- Are we bad at vacations? The need for deliberate leisure
- Mr. Money Mustache – The Modern Epicurean
- Anna’s Taqueria: My Favorite Burrito Place (my thoughts on food and pleasure)
- Wanting More From Life
- Happiness versus Meaning
- What I learned about pleasure and happiness from Epicurean philosophy
- My advice to graduates and a question for you
- Taoism – Learning the Art of Non-Action
- Naps and Long Walks
- Fast-forwarding through Tai Chi
- I Quit My Job and Started My Own Business, Taoist Style
- Don’t be smart
- Taoism Week 1 Recap
- The Taoist Manager
- Disgrace and Misfortune are Normal
- Re-Learning to Walk
- Everything that has happened to you has led you to now
- Dealing with Disappointment using Wu-Wei
- Bring Café Culture to Work
- The Uncarved Wood Theory of Productivity
- Three Applications of Non-Action
- Doing Nothing: The Taoist and Scientific Way of Generating Creativity
- Welcoming Variability
- Don’t be productive: Lessons from my Taoist experiment
- My Stoicism Article in the New York Observer
- Fighting the Good Fight
- What You’re Meant To Do: Career Advice from Ancient Wisdom
- Some (Islamic) advice on keeping your New Year’s Resolutions