Judaism: Day 11 – My Shabbat Dinner Speech

Tonight I will be hosting my first Shabbat dinner. It’s a big production. I cooked a test brisket and botched it…badly..tough as leather. We’ll see how the next few turn out. In addition to my brisket prep, I’m also preparing a short speech about why I’m doing this project and why Shabbat is important. I

Why you should think about death

I’m fascinated by religions’ practices and beliefs regarding death. It seems as if every philosophical or religious tradition has some sort of “death meditation” practice. The Stoics included it in their “negative visualization” practice, Christians contemplate the death of Christ at Mass, Jews study it in the Torah, and Muslims understand that there is a

Catholicism: Day 23 – Disordered Love and Spiritual Freedom

Stoicism taught that you should only desire things within your control. To do this, you must first understand what is within your control and what is not within your control. You can’t control how others treat you, but you can control your reaction to them. You can’t control whether or not you get a promotion

Stoicism: Day 9 – What the Stoics think about your liberal arts degree

It is Polar Vortex 2 week here in DC. The government closed for a day, and I decided to work from home. Hooray for flexible workplaces! I really did not want to jump into my ice bath today. It was snowing outside, I was nice and cozy and warm in my apartment, and I just

Is Meritocracy the New Caste System?

  Origins of the Caste System The idea for the caste system in India, came from the Bhagavad Gita. In the Gita, Krishna describes four groups to which people belong: The different responsibilities found in the social order – distinguishing Brahmin [Priests], Kshatriya [warriors], vaishya [traders/merchants], and shudra [agricultural/labor class] – have their roots in

Stoicism: Day 4 – On Becoming a Failure

I completed my fourth ice bath yesterday. I think they are becoming colder.  My shivering started about 5 minutes in as opposed to 15 minutes in. I also shivered for quite a while afterwards. However, the ice baths are becoming easier. The pre-bath anxiety is decreasing.  It’s hard to say if this is making me

What you should want in life

We live in a culture that cultivates excessive focus on the self. My day is filled with thoughts that cycle between what I want, what I don’t want, what I want but don’t have, and what I have but don’t want. Yesterday, as in most days, I was thinking about the type of career I