Welcome Study Hacks Readers!

For all my current readers, you can check out my current post on Cal Newport’s blog, Study Hacks: Don’t Pursue Promotions: Contrarian Career Advice from Ancient Sources of Wisdom If you’re new to The Ancient Wisdom Project, I publish a post [nearly] every day recounting an experience from one  my 30-day experiments, where I select an ancient

Islam: Day 9 – Beyond the Confidence Gap

David Brooks wrote an excellent op-ed piece in reaction to the Atlantic article  The Confidence Gap. The Confidence Gap authors makes the argument that while there is some inequality between men and women in the workplace due to societal attitudes and such, much of it can be attributed to women’s lack of self-confidence relative to

Islam: Day 13 – Morning prayer boosts creativity?

I like to sleep in on weekends. I’m a morning person generally, but on the weekend, I sleep until 10 or 11 so. Unfortunately, Islam doesn’t allows you to skip your morning prayer (Fajr) just so you can sleep in. What this means for me is that I have to get up some time between 4:20

Is sex pleasurable?

On my Facebook feed, I have a couple of friends that routinely post articles around the theme of women being empowered about sex. The general idea is that women should be able to enjoy sex and the pursuit of sex without being negatively judged. The argument is that because men can freely pursue sex and

Catholicism: Day 28 and Week 4 Recap

Mass This past week I, unfortunately, wasn’t able to attend Mass everyday as I planned. Georgetown University was on Spring Break and wasn’t holding the 10 PM Mass that I usually go to during the week. This did give me an opportunity to attend a very interesting Mass at another church I’ve been attending. In

How to make friends

The other evening I went to my girlfriend’s Toastmasters Club happy hour event at a downtown bar. Normally, I would have declined the invitation as making small talk with a bunch of strangers is usually pretty painful. However, in the spirit of Epicurean month, I decided to go and be social and maybe make a

Islam: Day 6 – Islamic Stoics?

Every soul will taste death. And We test you with evil and with good as trial; and to Us you will be returned. – Qur’an 21:35 I’m beginning to think that all religions have elements of Stoicism in their teachings. Like Judaism and Christianity, Islam teaches that God is all-knowing, and knows past present and

Judaism: Day 22 – Passover Seder, Part 1

Yesterday was the first day of Passover, which is celebration of the ancient Jews’ liberation by God from slavery in ancient Egypt.  Even if you’re not Jewish, you are probably familiar with some elements of the story. Moses, a fugitive at the time for killing an Egyptian who was beating a Jew, returned to Egypt

When you are envious of your friend’s success

By Dale TLDR Bullets I felt envious of a friend’s success and upcoming book about a topic I cared about Envy can be triggered when it exposes your own perceived flaw and past failures Reducing the feeling of envy is tough, some techniques don’t work, such as  Telling myself not to feel that way Making