A meaningful life requires flexibility and continuity

I’m still reading Henri Nouwen’s account of his time at the monastery and he keeps sharing a bunch of insights that somehow seem super relevant to my life. Nearing the latter half of his stay at the monastery, he is trying to figure out what his life should look like after he leaves. How much time

Stoicism: Day 20 – Writing as Forced Reflection

My 20th ice bath felt warm. It must have had something to do with the beautiful 50-degree weather outside. The fact that 50-degree weather feels warm is a testament to the practice of exposing yourself to cold temperatures. We have had some cold days here in DC, so when it’s 50 degrees out, it feels

Stoicism: Day 21 and Week 3 Recap – Stoic Relationship Advice

My ice bath really froze my toes off yesterday. They did not achieve comfortably numb phase; they stayed in the “this really stings I can’t wait until this is over” phase. I took a warm shower after the ice bath yesterday to accelerate my warm-up process and it felt extra awesome. If you really want

Catholicism: Intro to Month 2 – Catholicism for Love and Clarity

My experience with Christianity is limited. I attended an International Christian School (this one, actually) as a child, and as a child, I was certainly a Christian because, well, that was the only religion I knew about. I also had a childish idea of what it meant to have faith and “be saved”. I remember

Catholicism: Day 4 – Someone Farted at Mass

During Mass last night, I tried really hard to focus all my attention on the priest, the liturgical readings, and the homily. My concentration was interrupted, however, by the smell of someone’s flatulence. Yes, someone farted at Mass. At it wasn’t one of those farts that dissipates after a minute; this fart lingered for the

Catholicism: Day 24 – Letting go of worldly ambitions

Mark 10:17-27 tells the story of the rich man who approaches Jesus and his disciples and asks Jesus what he needs to do to inherit eternal life. Jesus tells him to follow the commandments (do not kill, commit adultery, etc.). The rich man says he has followed the commandments all his life. Jesus then tells

Judaism: Day 9 – Anger Management

The Talmud reading yesterday was about various personality types as it relates to anger. The various temperaments are: A)   Angers easily and is pacified easily B)   Hard to anger and hard to pacify C)   Hard to anger and quick to pacify D)   Quick to anger and hard to pacify People with the C personality are

Judaism: Day 14 and Week 2 Recap

This weekend I attended a reform synagogue for Saturday Shabbat services. Reform Judaism is a primarily American movement whose goal is to make Judaism compatible with modern life and culture. This is fascinating because it is emblematic of the classic struggle between tradition and modernity. Are the laws and rituals of Judaism timeless? Is it