Judaism: Day 17 – Coffee with the Minyan

Yesterday morning I went out to coffee with my Minyan group. It’s a weekly Wednesday tradition that takes place at a nearby pastry shop. It was a lot of fun. Rarely do I get to hang out with a group of “aged” Jewish friends. It had a much different vibe than grabbing coffee with my

Stoicism: Day 18 – Stoic Fatalism and Goal Setting

Yesterday during my ice bath I couldn’t help but think about what the Jesuit priest said to me, “I wonder what God has planned for you.” It was exciting and terrifying. Exciting because maybe God has an awesome life planned for me. Terrifying because the statement implied it was out of my hands. I’ve felt

I worshipped an elephant today

  This morning I performed my first Hindu prayer, or Puja, as part of Bhakti Yoga, or Path of Devotion. After I showered, I plopped down in front of my shrine (set up on a side table repurposed for this month), and began the simplified (and probably incorrect), prayer ritual. First, I recited the following

Catholicism: Day 26 – The Correct Pursuits (1 of 2)

Do you have that Facebook friend (or friends) that seem to have their life figured out? They went to an amazing college, got an amazing job, traveled to amazing places, got an amazing boyfriend/girlfriend, and are hitting all of the important life milestones without fail? It seems like they are 100% sure of the path

Catholicism: Day 21 and Week 3 Recap – The Path of Exploration

This week was an interesting one. First, I was able to participate in the start of Lent. Second, I attended an orientation session for a charity I will volunteer with. Lent I participated in Ash Wednesday (the first day of Lent) and have decided to give up alcohol for the duration of Lent. My Catholic

Catholicism: Day 18 – Lent, the Ultimate Self-Help Program?

My Catholic month overlaps with the first few weeks of Lent. As a result, I was able to participate in my first Ash Wednesday Mass yesterday. I never really understood the whole Lent business before. Once a year I’d see people walking around with dirt on their forehead , mourning all the ice cream they’d

Stoicism: Day 21 and Week 3 Recap – Stoic Relationship Advice

My ice bath really froze my toes off yesterday. They did not achieve comfortably numb phase; they stayed in the “this really stings I can’t wait until this is over” phase. I took a warm shower after the ice bath yesterday to accelerate my warm-up process and it felt extra awesome. If you really want

Stoicism: Day 19 – Hosting a Houseguest is the Ultimate Stoic Exercise

Yesterday tested my patience. I had to drive my girlfriend to her doctor’s appointment in the morning, which required me to feel rushed in my morning routine (gym + scheduled writing). There were annoying drivers on the road, one of which honked at me for not forcing myself into oncoming traffic quickly enough. I then

Islam: Day 25 – It’s risky to not be religious

A friend of mine passed along this article titled Religion, Heuristics, and Intergenerational Risk Management, written by one of my favorite authors and thinkers, Nassim Taleb. The main idea Taleb and co-author Rupert Read promotes is that religion is valuable because it acts a transmitter of risk-management heuristics. Religion, through its teachings, act as counterweights