Disgrace and Misfortune are Normal

American culture is incredibly optimistic and forward looking. Any setback or troubles that someone encounters are only temporary and can be overcome by a good attitude and hard work. If they can’t, there is always some lesson to be learned from the misfortune. But the default attitude is to assume that life will eventually work

I Quit My Job and Started My Own Business, Taoist Style

After I read the 4-Hour Work Week, starting a “muse,” an online business that generates enough passive income to sustain my ideal lifestyle, seemed like the ultimate way to live a happy life. I wouldn’t have a boss and I would only spent a minimal amount of time on tedious tasks. I could spend my

Anna’s Taqueria: My Favorite Burrito Place (my thoughts on food and pleasure)

There is an excellent, Chipotle-like burrito place called Anna’s Taqueria in the Boston area. In high school, my friends and I would make the 20-minute drive to Anna’s, get our burritos or quesadillas (my go-to), and speed back while eating in the car. The quesadillas are delicious. Instead of making them in the traditional flat bread

Wanting More From Life

Everyone at some point in time, and most likely, for extended periods of time, feels like they want more from life. Indeed, I only started the Ancient Wisdom Project because I felt (and still feel) that way. It’s natural. You would have to be a robot to say you haven’t felt a deep longing for

Drunken vs. Mindful Hedonism

I’m currently back in my hometown for the holidays (this was written over the Christmas break period) and I admit I’ve fallen off the wagon a bit in terms of my Epicurean goals. I’ve cheated a little bit on my diet, I haven’t exercised for 3 or 4 days, and I watched TV with my