Islam: Day 24 – Dog Walk Mysticism

My girlfriend and I are dog-sitting for a friend of ours, which I’m very excited about. The dog is a Golden Doodle (a golden retriever and poodle mix) that got none of the poodle genes and looks very much like a golden retriever. Her name is Izzie. This morning I woke up at 4:30 AM

Islam: Day 23 – Slut Shaming: Moral Criticism Gone Awry

Yesterday I wrote about my bad habit of criticizing others. There is a legitimate role for criticism, but it is often executed poorly. The Atlantic recently published an article titled, “There’s no such thing as a slut.” Two sociology professors moved into a college dorm room in 2004 and interviewed a group of 53 college

Islam: Day 17 – Is your life coherent?

Until recently, I scoffed at the all the crazy stuff religion teaches. Heaven and hell, angels and demons, spirits, miracles, etc. all seemed like non-sense that could only be believed before science became a well-established method of finding the truth. I’m still skeptical about the literal belief in these religious stories, but I’ve come to

Catholicism: Day 10 – Everything is Amazing

Yesterday’s spiritual exercises asked us to read Genesis 1:26-2:9 (the creation myths), and “consider yourself as God’s creation, as an incarnation, or image of God in a particular time, family, and place.” It also asked us to “rejoice in the fact of your existence as God’s creation, even amid the complexities of human life.” I

Catholicism: Day 3 – The Shepherd and the Sheeple

Mass I went to my first evening Mass last night at 10 PM. On a weeknight, I’m usually in bed by then so I hope God gives me extra points for my good deed. I’m glad I did.  It was energizing, and a nice way to cap off the night. This particular Mass is held

Are we kind enough to save an empire?

By Erica A note from Dale: My wife and I decided last year that we’d like to build something together. We decided that the best way to do that was to have her join AWP as my partner! You will begin to see a more regular stream of articles from Erica moving forward. We’ll make

Catholicism: Day 12 – Which is more comforting: God or protein shakes?

When I came back from the gym yesterday afternoon, I was in an irritable mood.  There wasn’t any particular reason for it; it was probably just fatigue. My mood was then worsened by the fact that the passage and question I was supposed to reflect on were quite difficult. I was supposed to read Psalm

Catholicism: Day 13 – The Christian Perspective on Wealth and Poverty

The Stoics rejected the pursuit of wealth because wealth was something that was outside of your control and that if you attained it, you will only want more wealth. They knew how seductive wealth could be, and how it could make you miserable both when you did not attain in and when you attained it

Catholicism: Day 17 – Accepting Love

Yesterday’s spiritual exercise asked the reader to pray over Psalm 63:1-8 and to consider “What do you thirst for” and “How do you experience God’s steadfast love?” My reflection on the fist question felt a bit intellectual and unemotional. Based on previous reflections, what I want is to feel like my work and my life

Judaism: Day 1 – My First Minyan and the Value of Language

Yesterday, I attended my first Minyan. I arrived at the Synagogue at 6:55 AM. By the time it was 7:15 AM, I realized that Minyan didn’t actually start until 7:30. Other people started rolling in a few minutes later and of course, they were curious about why I was there. I have a few guesses