How to make friends

The other evening I went to my girlfriend’s Toastmasters Club happy hour event at a downtown bar. Normally, I would have declined the invitation as making small talk with a bunch of strangers is usually pretty painful. However, in the spirit of Epicurean month, I decided to go and be social and maybe make a

Judaism: Day 22 – Passover Seder, Part 1

Yesterday was the first day of Passover, which is celebration of the ancient Jews’ liberation by God from slavery in ancient Egypt.  Even if you’re not Jewish, you are probably familiar with some elements of the story. Moses, a fugitive at the time for killing an Egyptian who was beating a Jew, returned to Egypt

Judaism: Day 12 and 13 – Shabbat vs. HR Work-Life Balance Policies (plus brisket photos)

Friday night I hosted my very first Shabbat dinner. My girlfriend and I invited seven of our friends over to welcome the Sabbath and spend a pleasant evening drinking wine and eating the questionable brisket I prepared. Preparing for Shabbat dinner was actually quite stressful. We stressed over the invite list, the food, cleaning, etc.

Stoicism: Day 17 – On not being a pretentious ass to your friends

I watched the first few minutes of the State of the Union the day before yesterday, and I read some of the day-after commentary on the State of the Union.  Of course, some of the commentary irritated me, so during my ice bath, I thought about all those times I’ve participated in asinine political conversations

Judaism: Day 7 and Week 1 Recap – Judaism: Day 7 and Week 1 Recap

On Saturday night, I attended a 10-year reunion dinner for my college’s ballet club, Balance. Little did you know, I am actually an aspiring ballerina. Before I wanted to be a Navy SEAL, I wanted to dance like no one has danced before. Just kidding. My girlfriend was a member of the group while we

The Genesee Diary: The Priest Who Needed to “Get Away”

Posted in: Catholicism

Henri Nouwen was a Dutch Catholic priest who built a reputation as spiritual leader, teacher, and writer during his lifetime. During his time as a professor at Yale Divinity School in the 1970s, he spent seven months at a Trappist Monastery, The Abbey of the Genesee, in upstate New York living as a monk. He

Judaism: Days 26-28 and Week 4 Recap

This week of Passover brought up an interesting question: “Why do you observe Judaism when you could do nothing at all?” Doing nothing is a relatively simple option. You don’t have to go to a 4 + hour Seder or prepare for one. You don’t have to go to Minyan or Shabbat services. You could